I’ve started this blog as a meditation on ethics in the context of business. Having suffered through a number of books on the topic, and having found them entirely unsatisfactory, I'm left with the sense that anyone interested in the topic is left to sort things out for themselves. Hence, this blog.


I expect to focus on fundamentals for a while, possibly several weeks, before generating much material of interest. See the preface for additional detail on the purpose of this blog.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


I’ve started this blog as my own attempt to study and consider the topic of business ethics. I’ve suffered through a number of books on the topic, gritting my teeth as the flaws in their premises led to very shaky conclusions and, ultimately, an entirely untenable body of theory.

And yet, I have the sense that it is an important topic, and one that is lacking adequate definition. Given that Western culture is largely composed of individuals who spend a majority of their productive years in service to companies, it seems that this would be a significant area of inquiry, foundational to our identities as individuals and to the character of our culture.

As a result, I have the sense that anyone who is interested in the topic (such as myself) is left very much alone to ponder things for themselves. Hence, this blog.

I don’t expect it will be updated frequently, or that it will be of much interest to anyone other than myself, though I generally feel that public scrutiny and feedback is useful in refining ideas – so for what it’s worth, my plan is to try to work things out in this medium.


  1. I noticed your blog, and was going to post a comment, but it looks like there aren't any comments, though there's a comment form. So I guess this is a test comment to see if comments are accepted.

  2. This is the first (legitimate) comment that's come in. I expect it's because this is a relatively new blog on a topic that doesn't have mass appeal.

    I plan to moderate to block spam and weed out comments that don't move the conversation forward .... so on those conditions (i.e., you're not just posting a comment to plant a link, and have something worthwhile to say), comments are not only accepted, but gratefully welcomed.

  3. Hello,
    I don;t know if this blog is still active, but I've found the causes of ethical failures to be interesting.

    I'm writing an article for an MBA paper and as I like to be precise I like to present a list of references at the end of my reports.

    My challenge is trying to find who to reference. I normally put

    Surname, A. 2010. ....
    I can't find your name!!

  4. Sorry for the difficulty ... I may come out from behind the curtain when the ideas are more developed, but at present my research and thinking are underdeveloped. I've been distracted by other things and have procrastinated returning to this task, so it may be quite a while.

    Glad you've found value in the work in progress, and I'll contact you by e-mail to disclose my name. It's not my intent to be clandestine, just to be discreet. For others who may find value and wish to reference this blog, my preference would be for you to use the title/URL (much as you'd do for a magazine article published without a byline) - or if that's unacceptable for any reason, post a comment and I'll provide details by email.


