It may be necessary to post a page explaining this blog, for those who are curious or wish to examine the underlying motives, and to explain a few things that are pertinent to the blog, rather than the subject.
For now, suffice to say this is a personal blog, exploring a topic, open to public scrutiny because feedback helps to refine ideas. Specifically, it is not meant to provide complete guidance or substitute for the same consideration by others.
Presently, I'm in the early phases of this exploration, considering the general subject of ethics - it may be some time before content of interest is posted.
I may add more detail here later. For now, see the preface
I’ve started this blog as a meditation on ethics in the context of business. Having suffered through a number of books on the topic, and having found them entirely unsatisfactory, I'm left with the sense that anyone interested in the topic is left to sort things out for themselves. Hence, this blog.
I expect to focus on fundamentals for a while, possibly several weeks, before generating much material of interest. See the preface for additional detail on the purpose of this blog.